Contact and Subscriptions

Contact us



Telephone: 01467 681693

Post: Benview Cottage, Chapel of Garioch, Inverurie AB51 5HE

To join the Inverurie Music mailing list, send an email with the subject ‘SUBSCRIBE Inverurie Music’ to:

To leave the list, send an email with the subject ‘UNSUBSCRIBE Inverurie Music’ to:

Concert Season 2024-2025 – please note that all concerts start at 7.30pm

Save more than 40% by subscribing to the full concert season

Cost for seven concerts for subscribers – £56
(single concert tickets for non-subscribers – £14)

For under 25s in full-time education; and those receiving disability or low-income benefits subscriptions are free of charge

(all prices subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting)

Complete the subscription form online here or by downloading the form below

Choose a payment option – preferably by bank transfer (cheques payable to Inverurie Music or cash also welcome)

Bank Details: Sort Code 80-08-41 Acc No. 00842458 (adding your name and ‘IM sub’ as a reference)

Send the form and payment if appropriate to
Inverurie Music, c/o Benview Cottage, Chapel of Garioch, Inverurie AB51 5HE

Alternatively, scan or take a photo of the form and send it to

You can buy single concert tickets from one month before each concert by following this link