Saturday was a grim crepuscular day with dreadful world news adding to the gloom. Once again Inverurie Music’s concert programme came to the rescue for some sixty folk who, forsaking the fireside for the warmth of human contact and the delights of a lovely musical programme, made their way to the Town Hall to see and hear the Chiara Piano Trio. The trio, from Lithuania, Malaysia, and the USA via the Scottish Conservatoire was young, beautiful and talented; the future one might hope!
Their programme was full of light and joy from the Miniatures of Frank Bridge which established a mood of sparkling playfulness, to the salon works of early Debussy via some intense and melodious Brahms. The Colour of Blossoms by contemporary composer Cecilia McDowell was there too and sounded sombre sonorous warnings, echoes of temple gongs, within a texture of lyrical lines. Khalil, the cellist, quoted from a 13th century Japanese story which suggests all is transient and vanity in the human world, the colour of blossoms symbolising the only truth.
A keen communication between the musicians was apparent from the first and became most significant as they forged a common narrative through the dramatic Brahms C Minor Piano Trio. This work allowed strings and piano to pass melodies to and fro through dramatic and sinuous phrasing. The Trio carried this off with panache.
After the interval came the McDowell, creating a hushed portentous atmosphere with periods of calm tranquility; and lastly the Piano Trio by a pre-impressionistic Debussy who wrote this when just eighteen. It was warm and romantic, indeed one concertgoer, a much valued local composer, suggested it was more Brahmsian than the Brahms piece! It was certainly melodic leaving the audience with tunes to go and a lingering memory of a good night out.
Youth is always impressive with its boundless energy and optimism and this Trio should go far. The musicians were relaxed, engaged and highly competent, wearing their considerable skills lightly. It will be interesting to hear them again when they have the advantage of more years of making music. We would certainly welcome them back. As for now …… they are a joy.
IC 19/11/23
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