Fourteen young people received awards from the Inverurie Music Award Scheme which ran in 2021. Applications opened in September 2021 and support was given to all who applied. A total of just under £1,900 was awarded!

Applications ranged from requesting money to help with purchasing a trumpet, upgrading a drum kit, purchasing a double bass bow, and purchasing a wooden chanter, to requests for electronic equipment to help with music technology studies.

Playing live music in schools has been restricted in the last two years by the coronavirus pandemic restrictions. This has affected young musicians and their teachers significantly but hopefully these problems are now starting to recede.

Inverurie Music hopes to continue to run the award scheme annually but this depends on raising sufficient funds. If you would like to donate to the fund for 2022, please do so using the methods shown below.
You can make a donation via Paypal, by sending a cheque, or making a bank transfer.
Inverurie Music bank account for online banking donations and subscriptions are: Sort Code: 80-08-41 Account number: 00842458
Cheques should be made payable to Inverurie Music and sent to Benview Cottage, Chapel of Garioch, Inverurie AB51 5HE
All money given by the award scheme is from donations given by supporters and from specific fundraising events. In 2021, the outdoor concert at Castle Fraser was a key fundraising event and was a great success. Many thanks to all who donated to the fund and to Chamber Music Scotland for supporting this event.
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