Best wishes to all Inverurie Music Supporters!

Message from the Inverurie Music Board
Thank you for your support and understanding about the cancellation of the last two concerts of last season. Although the situation for next season remains unclear, the Board has been discussing all options and we hope that the season planned will be able to happen in some form. Unfortunately, concerts planned for June, August and September 2020 have been cancelled or postponed. Chamber Music Scotland has indicated that funding applications can now be made for Season 2020 – 2021, with the closing date for applications set as 17th June 2020. Starting the concert season in October 2020 remains a possibility, but if the current Covid-19 restrictions about groups of people gathering together remain in place, it may be that live music concerts will not be able to happen this year.
The workshop programme will be discussed soon too, and some provisional funding for this has been identified.
If you have any comments or questions, please get in touch at or add a comment below this post.
Hopefully, more news will be available soon. Meantime there are some excellent music streaming available on YouTube and elsewhere. Chamber Music Scotland concerts are found here. Look on the Inverurie Music Facebook page for more suggestions.
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